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Use A4-sized pages (21 x 29 cm) with top, bottom, left, and right margins of 3 cm. Use single space and 10 pt size Arial throughout the paper. Header and footer length must be 1.27 cm. Gutter size must be 0.
Title: Title should be written in all caps using 14pt Arial, Bold, and centered.
Author Details: Author names should be 12pt Arial and centered. Affiliation details such as University, Country and Email must be 10pt Arial and centered. In addition, ORCID ID must be added for each author.
Abstract: Use single space, justified and 10pt Arial throughout the Abstract. It should contain maximum 300 words. The abstract should cover motivation, data, methodology and main findings.
Keywords: 10pt Arial, no more than 6 keywords, use a comma as a separator, capitalize each word.
Full Paper must be written in English with 10pt Arial and justified.
Main headings and secondary headings should be written left aligned, in 10pt Arial, and bold. There should be 10pt space before and after the main headings. All the headings and sub-headings must be numbered consecutively.
In addition, all figures and tables should be numbered consecutively and captioned. Their titles should be 10pt Arial and placed under each of them. All figures and tables must be cited in the text and 10pt space should be given before and after them. After each one, source should be provided (if available). Both figures and tables should be prepared in Microsoft Office Word or Excel.
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References should be cited in the text and all citations must be listed in the references. There shouldn’t be any mismatch between citations and references. The journal follows the Harvard referencing system (Please take a look at the following link for more details
Citations in the text must appear as surname(s) and date and complete references must be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper.
When a cited work has three or more authors in the text, the form (main author year) is used (Don’t forget to italicize et al.).
Online citations include the date of access. Ampersand (&) is not used, unless it is a widely used expression (e.g., R&D), or included in a company name (e.g., Standard & Poor’s).
When reference is made to more than one work by the same author(s) published in the same year, each citation is identified in the text in the form (Schendel, 2005a, 2005b). These references must be alphabetized by article title.
Examples of correct references style include:
Books with one author: Redman, P., 2006. Good essay writing: a social sciences guide. 3rd ed. London: Sage.
Books with multiple authors: Adams, R. J., Weiss, T. D., and Coatie, J. J., 2010. The World Health Organization, its history and impact. London: Perseus.
Chapters of edited books: Samson, C., 1970. Problems of information studies in history. In: S. Stone, ed. 1980. Humanities information research. Sheffield: CRUS, pp. 44-68.
Print journal articles: Boughton, J. M., 2002. The Bretton Woods proposal. Political Science Quarterly, 42(6), pp. 564-578.
Wall, T., Michie, J., Patterson, M., Wood, S., Sheehan, M., Clegg, C. W., and West, M., 2004. On the validity of subjective measures of company performance. Personnel Psychology, 57(1), pp. 95-118.
Kaplan, R. S. and Norton, D P., 1992. The balanced scorecard – Measures that drives performance. Harvard Business Review, 70(1), pp. 71-79.
Articles available on the internet: Kipper, D., 2008. Japan’s new dawn. Popular Science and Technology, [online] Available at: <> [Accessed on 22 June 2009].
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