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Uses and Gratifications Theory in E-commerce: Habit and Social Presence
Ioannis Krasonikolakis
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2022.10.01.001
Digital media have transformed the customer buying journey and recent studies show that different media (devices) are used for different steps of the decision-making process. In this study, we apply the Uses and Gratifications (U&G) theory in the marketing context in order to investigate consumers’ choice to use desktop or mobile devices for conducting purchases. Habit and social presence are tested as moderators of the relationship between intention to buy and purchase via the two media. We report results from two laboratory experiments involving an actual purchase in various product categories. Findings indicate that consumers use desktop to make significantly more purchases than via mobile phone. Further, the positive relationship between the intention to buy and product purchase is moderated by the habitual use of the medium. Purchase intention x habitual use of the medium interactions are related to purchase behavior when habit is strong. Similarly, the presence of other people while the purchase is being made via desktop and mobile devices increases the likelihood of product purchase. Several implications for further academic research and managers are discussed.
Keywords: Uses and Gratifications Theory, E-Commerce, Digital Media, Habit, Social Presence
Overreaction and Underreaction during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the South African Stock Market and its Implications
Samuel Tabot Enow
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2022.10.01.002
The aim of this study was to investigate overreaction and underreaction from the six main sectors in the Johannesburg stock exchange due to the significant impact of Covid-19 on economic activities and financial markets globally. Using a Threshold GARCH model, the findings revealed the presence of overreaction mostly in the healthcare, industrial and telecom sector. However, very few stocks in the banking and tech portrayed overreaction while none of the stocks in the consumer goods sector revealed the presence of overreaction or underreaction because the coefficient of the leverage term was statistically insignificant. From these findings, there is a high risk of investing in healthcare, industrial and telecom stocks, which is not compensated by additional returns. Investors can minimize risk in this sectors by adding healthcare, industrial and telecom stocks in a well- diversified portfolio and assigning a risk coefficient to their pricing. This study adds to the body of knowledge on market anomalies by looking at overreaction and underreaction during the coivid-19 pandemic, which is an important concept in behavioral finance. This study is significant to market participants that are willing to trade on the Johannesburg stock exchange as it provides valuable insights on behavioral pattern and anomalies.
Keywords: Overreaction, Underreaction, Covid-19 Pandemic, Threshold GARCH Model, Leverage Coefficient
Value Co-creation through Technical Intern Trainees in Japanese Healthcare
Atsushi Katsuda and Yoshiyuki Naito
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2022.10.01.003
A long-term care insurance system in Japan was established in 2000 to specifically care for the elderly, but due to the declining birthrate, the working population is decreasing and there is a shortage of long-term care workers. In 2016, the Japanese government established the Asia Health and Wellbeing Initiative (AHWIN) to address this shortage of long-term care workers, aiming to build a sustainable healthcare system throughout the Asian region. In one such measure people from Viet Nam can learn Japanese-style long-term care skills as technical interns in Japan. The APS (Aijinkai, Pegasus, Seichokai) Consortium comprising three healthcare business groups based in Japan, has been actively implementing AHWIN initiatives. A case study of one such initiative examined based on the concept of value, and the co-creation of value between technical interns from Viet Nam and the Japanese healthcare system, with explanation of the long-term care environment. First, we summarize the origins of the healthcare system in Japan and clarify that the issue from the perspective of value. Next, we examine the shift to value creation through value co-creation between service providers and users, rather than unilateral process-oriented value creation, by utilizing the healthcare ecosystem based on the service ecosystem in service-dominant logic. The mega-level and macro-level value co-creation in the healthcare ecosystem was also found to affect the meso-level and micro-level value co-creation.
Keywords: Healthcare, Aging Society, Value Co-Creation, Healthcare Ecosystem
Using Patent Drawings of Invention Publications to Differentiate Stock Return Rate – An Empirical Study on China Stock Market
Hong-Wen Tsai, Hui-Chung Che, and Bo Bai
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2022.10.01.004
Patent is an important outcome of technological innovation, which drove economic growth. Though patent claim always caught attention when considering patentability, it had to be supported by the drawings according to the patent examination criteria. However, patent drawing was seldom discussed. More than 60% of China listed companies of RMB common stocks (A-shares) from 2017Q1 to 2021Q4 were selected as effective samples based on the company integrated database. The effect of China invention publication’s patent drawing count for differentiating China A-share’s stock return rate was thoroughly discussed via analysis of variation (ANOVA). The average drawing count and the total drawing count of invention publications significantly increased over previous five years even under the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the total drawing count was found to be an appropriate patent indicator for differentiating A-share’s stock return rate whereas the average drawing count was not because the average drawing count did not show significant connection with the stock return rate. The A-shares in the group of the highest total drawing counts showed significantly higher stock return rate mean while the A-shares in the groups of lower total drawing counts showed significantly lower stock return rate means in most quarters from 2017Q1 to 2021Q4. The finding also proved that the patent quantity still mattered in China stock market.
Keywords: Patent, Analysis of Variation, ANOVA, Stock Return Rate, Drawing Count, Invention Publication
Value Chains and Climate Change Mitigation Strategies: A Case of Nutritional Gardens in Zimbabwe
Michael Takudzwa Pasara and Steven Henry Dunga
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2022.10.01.005
High incidence of drought and donor fatigue in Zimbabwe calls for more sustainable measures of ensuring food security. This study analyzed the impact of nutritional gardens in the two drought-prone districts of Mudzi and Mutoko. In line with attaining Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted to be achieved by 2030, nutritional gardens were identified as a sustainable way to mitigate climate change and address the ‘hidden hunger’ challenge. Primary data was collected using a baseline framework adopting a triangulation methodology of questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) across 100 households and key informant stakeholders. Data for 48 households was usable. Results indicated that majority are low-income earners. There are high levels of deforestation and siltation, low water table and low harvest due to frequent droughts. Main crops are drought resistant crops such as millet, sorghum and legumes like groundnuts. Gardens present great potential for food and nutrition supplement and income from the sale of horticultural products. COVID-19 increased vulnerability of all stakeholders across the whole value-chain. The study recommends more drought-resistant varieties, horticultural products, solar powered boreholes and value-adding processes like peanut butter and yoghurt production to optimize local resources.
Keywords: Climate Change, Nutrition, Community Gardens, Zimbabwe, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Value-Chains, Sustainability
Eurasian Publications
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