Vol.5 No.2
June 2017
Page Number
Article Information
Satisfaction of Human Resources in Secondary Schools from Romanian Rural Areas
Cristian Stefanescu and Monica Logofatu
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2017.05.02.001
Organization’s human resource is often called the “most valuable asset”, although it does not appear in the organization’s accounts. Organization’s success depends on the way in which its members implement its objectives; therefore the satisfaction of human resources is crucial for achieving good results in the organization. In this work, we conducted an analysis of the particularities of human resource management in secondary education area and an empirical study on the satisfaction of human resources in a typical rural Romanian schools. It is imperative for Romania to adopt a strategy to improve the education system in order to include new approaches of organizational governance and human resources management so that human resources within the education system have a high degree of satisfaction from the work performed.
Keywords: Human Resources, Satisfaction, Rural Areas, Secondary Education, Romania
The Effects of Entrepreneurial Activity and Preference for Avoiding Uncertainty on National Economic Growth
Danijela Martinović, Ljiljan Veselinović, and Almira Arnaut-Berilo
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2017.05.02.002
Entrepreneurs play an important role nowadays as well as in the history of economic thought -entrepreneur used to be the one bearing the risk of buying at certain prices and selling at uncertain prices, protagonist of economic activity and innovating so the new combinations of inputs are used in order to create new output. Nevertheless, relationship between entrepreneurial activity and national growth is not so straightforward. This study aims to contribute to the stream of research that tries to uncover the ultimate results of entrepreneurship. This paper seeks to explore influence of TEA in countries that belongs to different categories regarding ‘uncertainty avoidance’ cultural dimension. Our results could not confirm that entrepreneurial activity increases with increase of per capita income. We argue that entrepreneurial activity could contribute to GDP growth regardless of current level of development. We find that the entrepreneurial activity can increase or decreaseGDP growth rates depending on level of preferences for uncertainty avoidance. We argue that TEA in countries with lower and higher preferences for uncertainty avoidance will negatively influence the GDP growth. Possible explanation is thatless innovative ventures are created in countries with lower preference for uncertainty avoidance thus no considerable influence onGDP could be expected whilemore ventures fail as the entrepreneurs starts riskier business in the countries with higher preferences for uncertainty avoidance. Countries in the middle of these two extreme values can expect positive effect of TEA on GDP growth since preference for uncertainty is neither too high nor too low. Nevertheless, these results should be taken with caution since not all results were statistically significant. The main limitation is lack of data on entrepreneurial activity for all countries so instead of using TEA in the period preceding the GDP growth, average TEA for 2010-2011 was used.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Activity, TEA, GDP Growth, Uncertainty Avoidance
New Skill Development Policy ‘Skill India’: Possibility and Issues
Yukiko Hashimoto
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2017.05.02.003
In India, the new skill development policy has started and expectations from stakeholders including multi-national companies, non-governmental organizations, and people who suffer from unemployment are mixed towards the training policy ‘Skill India (SI)’.The government expects the country to have a drastic change to skilled nation. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) investments in the country tend to shift from philanthropy to create new social values, e.g. skill development and social business (SB) promotions with appropriate trainings for young people. The aim of this article is to find out what exactly the tendencies of Indian Corporate Social Responsibility investments regarding the new policy and issues are based on the interview data. And also it tries to find out some possibilities to make the policy work better. The author will explain and analyze the results of the survey conducted to companies and schools who are main actors to carry out the mission and discuss possible solutions based on suggestions made by CSR personnel, student trainees, school teachers, staffs including social workers.
Keywords: Skill Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Industrial Social Workers
Adolescent Influence on Family Purchasing Decisions: Research in Turkey
Cansu Tor Kadioglu, Ayse Sahin, and Umit Dogrul
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2017.05.02.004
The economic, social, and cultural changes in the modern world have made adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 important influences on family purchasing decisions. No longer solely users of products and services, adolescents now influence purchasing decisions and have attracted the attention of marketers and researchers. The purpose of this study is to analyze changes in the influence of adolescents aged between 12 and 18 on family purchasing decisions depending on socio-economic and demographic factors. This study aims to determine whether changes occur regarding different product groups by establishing at which stage of the decision process adolescent influence predominates. To achieve this goal, a survey method was used as a data collection tool. Using the convenience sampling method, adolescents within the age range of 12 and 18 were interviewed in Mersin, Turkey. The research results indicate that the influence of adolescents on family purchasing decisions occurs at different stages and depends on the type of product to be purchased. The analysis further shows that adolescents’ age, gender, and number of siblings, and the family’s total income, the father’s level of education, and the mother’s employment status also affect adolescent influence on family purchasing decisions.
Keywords: Consumer Behavior, Family Purchasing Decisions, Adolescent Consumers
The Effects of Income, Gender, Age, Education, Working Period, Insurance, Training, and Worker Status on Outsourced and Workers Performance in South Sumatera in Manufacturing Companies
Ratna Juwita, Nurlina Tarmizi, Didik Susetyo, and Bambang Bemby Soebyakto
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2017.05.02.005
This research investigated the effects of income, gender, age, education, working period, insurance, training and workers’ status (outsourcing or permanent) on performance. The result showed that gender, education, insurance, training and status had positive and significant effect on performace. Income had significant and negative effect on performance, the increased income would decrease performance. Age had positive but not significant effect, the increased age would decrease performance. Working period had negative but not significsnt effect on performance, the short working period would decrease performance.
Keywords: Outsourcing, Workers’ Performance
Services Marketing within Business-to-Business Context: A Content Analysis of 1996 – 2014 Period
Ceren Akman Biyik
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2017.05.02.006
The aim of the study is to conduct a content analysis of services marketing within business-to-business context that were published between years 1996-2014. A qualitative approach was used and content analysis was conducted on 71 articles from 24 journals in this study. Firstly, thematic investigation was conducted, and then coding process was completed. According to the results of content analysis, top research topics are determined based on services marketing and business-to-business context. The findings of the study also showed the least studied topics and shed light on new research areas to the researchers in the field of services marketing and business-to-business.
Keywords: Services Marketing, Business-to-Business, Content Analysis
Why Do Companies from Emerging Countries Manage Earnings?
Susana Callao, José I. Jarne, and David Wróblewski
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2017.05.02.007
This paper provides evidence in terms of the incentives which lead managers from emerging European countries to manage earnings. In particular, we focused on four Eastern European countries: the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia, as the majority of studies on earnings management in developing countries were based on the Asian emerging market. The market of developing European countries is still barely explored. After we confirmed that managers from emerging European companies manage earnings, we find that within the different incentives which lead managers to earnings management, the avoidance of debt covenants violations is a strong incentive for managers. Additionally, those firms considered as poor investments (with less value) have incentives to manage earnings down as a consequence to opt for market niche. Moreover, emerging Eastern European companies have incentives to flatten earnings of current periods in order to benefit in the future as the source of future non-manipulated earnings will be insufficient, as they may expect reduced, or at least lower future performance of their companies affected by increasing global competition. Finally, we confirm that privately-owned companies tend to maximize accounting earnings more than state-owned companies because they are in a weaker position related to a specific political and historical factors.
Keywords: Earnings Management, Discretionary Accruals, Emerging Countries, Eastern European Countries
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