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How Small Businesses Market Their Products during the Different Phases of the Product Life Cycle: The Case of Swedish Ice Cream Manufacturers
Annika Hallberg, Susana Friberg, and Paulina Myhrman
The Swedish ice cream market of today is dominated by a few major market leaders, which makes it a challenge for small firms to make themselves visible and survive on a long-term basis. The aim of this article is to investigate and understand how small firms in the ice cream business market their products, based on the marketing mix and the portfolio matrix, during the different phases of the product life cycle. The combination of the two models for strategic planning enables the marketing manager to conduct a more complete analysis of existing products and their place on the market and in the product life cycle. Eight CEOs of small-scale ice cream companies were interviewed. This study found that the marketing activities and strategies of large companies cannot be transferred to and implemented in small-scale businesses. Different marketing theories are developed for big businesses that have many employees and expert knowledge, which small companies do not possess. They also have less resources and knowledge to invest in expensive marketing activities in the marketing mix, and therefore the marketing mix models need to incorporate more of inexpensive marketing.
Keywords: Small Businesses, Ice Cream Market, Marketing Strategies, Product Life Cycle, Marketing Mix, Portfolio Matrix
Measurement of CSR Performance of the Corporate Located in Talegaon Industrial Belt, Pune, India
Yukiko Hashimoto and Mahesh Thakur
Being socially responsible is now a business obligation for by corporate entities. Today, about 90% of leading companies in India are involved in various CSR programmes such as working for education, health, empowerment of women and environment. Recently, CSR has evolved from philanthropy to a business related phenomenon because the new CSR concept with gaining some strategic advantage and sustainability has been widely recognized. This article examines whether corporates in India (including multinationals operating business in India) are practicing strategic CSR based on the survey conducted in Talegaon Maharashtra Industrial Development Council (MIDC) in Pune, India. Also, we try to measure the community impact socially and economically. The result shows that the most of the companies in Talegaon still practice a philanthropic approach but they have made improvement on community impact from 2011 to 2013. After the action research and intervention, some companies started a developmental and strategic approach for their community. It can be concluded that the quantity and area of CSR have been increased according to the community needs and community participation is very important to conduct CSR.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Measurement, Community Participation, Strategic Approach
The Impact of Visual Merchandising on Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior
Khurram L. Bhatti and Seemab Latif
In present Post-Modern Era, the competitive situation in the business is characterized by a cut throat competition, which subsequently results in companies and retailers to pay almost anything for undifferentiated merchandising. This merchandising tool is being used by today’s retailer to distinguish him from other competitors, to be prominent in the market and become a source of attraction for the customers. A few researchers contribute in this field by exploring the reasons which causes the customers impulsive buying, but still there is more to be determined. Purpose of this study is to identify the relation between the consumer impulsive buying and visual merchandising on buying behavior of customers. This study was based on primary data in the form of a questioner. A total of 350 questioners were floated in different consumer outlets (super marts and self-service stores of Rawalpindi, Pakistan) out of which 344 questioners were completed and received. Defined four hypotheses were window display, forum display, floor merchandising and shop brand name. These hypotheses were tested for regression analysis by using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. It was found that window display, forum display, floor merchandising and shop brand name (independent variables) are significantly associated to consumer impulse buying behavior (dependent variable). Hence, forum display is negatively related to consumer impulse buying and window display; however, floor merchandising and shop brand name are positively related to consumer impulse buying behavior.
Keywords: Visual Merchandising, Impulse Buying, Forum Display, Floor Merchandising
Examination of Innovation Sources and Cooperation Alternatives for Turkish Firms
Arif Orcun Sakarya
Within organizations, the management of innovation can require the consideration of different patterns of financial issues, human resource skills and cooperation activities with outside stakeholders. The main goal of this study is to identify potential innovation alternatives in order to reach the target of increasing the number of innovative firms in Turkey. To do this, different innovation criteria were examined by evaluating the results of the 2010 Community Innovation Survey Results of Turkish Firms as an indicator. The Analytic Hierarchy Process method was applied to investigate these priorities. Following the introduction and an outline of the rationale behind criteria selection, the analysis section focuses upon two levels of criteria. The first level includes the knowledge sources of innovation, cooperation among the stakeholders, required skills and capabilities, funding sources and lastly monetary allocations. A number of different knowledge sources and factors related to the firm’s networking capabilities were reinvestigated at the second “sub-criteria” level. It was deduced that to reach the goal of improving innovative capability in general terms, firms might concentrate on non-technical innovation activities as the first priority, and then; product and process innovation activities. Additional research guidelines and future strategy measures are also provided in the study.
Keywords: Innovation, Criteria, Priority, Source
Good Governance and Successful Development: Cross Countries Investigation
Tabthip Kraipornsak
Good Governance is one of the essential factors of success in business as well as in a country’s development. This study aimed at examining the role of good governance and the success of the development. The comparable per head GDP measured in PPP (purchasing power parity) was used as the proxy of the successful economic development of countries in the study. Four out of total six factors (indicators) being the good governance and the other two being social environmental factors were employed in the investigation following concept of the role of external business environmental factors so called “PESTLE or Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legislative or Legal, and Eco-environmental analysis”. These four indicators of good governance are political stability, control of corruption, rule of law, and voice and accountability which are available from the World Bank’s governance project data base. In addition, the other two indicators, country’s openness and size of population, are the major social variables included in the study which can also affect the success. The total six indicators are taken to examine with the GDP per head to see whether these factors can help countries achieve higher levels of income per head. The study indicates connection between the levels of success with these four indicators of the good governance and the two external social variables. For Thailand, the political instability was found to be a problem of the progress of development among those six indicators.
Keywords: Good Governance, Successful Development, Cross Countries Ivestigation, PESTLE
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