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Luxury Consumer Identity Projects – A Study of Moral Sensitivity in Luxury Consumption Practices
Liga Bitane
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2019.07.04.001
Consumer behavior in the luxury goods market is often characterized by status-seeking and conspicuous buying motivations. These attitudes can plausibly be explained by hedonistic self- centeredness, which constitutes the base of the post-modern consumerism. Yet, decadent consumption practices repeatedly evoke public criticism about personal irresponsibility, carelessness and disregard for the collective good. While exploring buyers’ attitudes in the United Arab Emirates, the current study investigates, how luxury consumers respond to the strong societal drivers for a more responsible consumption. In the environment of a decreasing influence of long-established social categories, luxury consumers are growing concerned about the transformation of the sense of their identity. By investigating two research questions, the study seeks to address the latest socio-cultural transformations: firstly, it inquires whether in the social setting of affluent consumers, a moralism about consumption exists. Secondly, it explores the character of non-market-mediated consumer identity projects underlying luxury consumers’ marketplace morality. The study is an empirical inquiry focusing on consumer behavior in luxury furniture segment. Based on semi-structured in-depth consumer interviews, the research analyzes moral attitudes of luxury buyers. While providing a deeper understanding of motivational antecedents in the luxury market, the analysis yields new insights into luxury consumers’ marketplace behavior. Furthermore, the study discloses prevalence of moralistic identity work among luxury consumers. From a managerial standpoint, the results call for a greater consideration of the role of ethics in the communication between the production and consumption.
Keywords: Marketplace Morality, Luxury Goods, Consumer Identity Work
Service Quality as an Antecedent to Engagement in Co-creation of Value in the Healthcare Industry
Laurence Bell
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2019.07.04.002
The purpose of this research was to examine service quality as an antecedent to customer engagement in co-creation of value in the European healthcare industry. Determining and examining the factors that encourage customers to collaborate with organizations is important because companies are having difficulty engaging their customers. Successful engagement has been found to result in increased loyalty, trust, competitive advantages, and performance. To examine the relationship, six hypotheses were developed based on an overall measure of service quality and each component of service quality. One hundred-thirty participants, who had recently experienced health care services, completed a survey to address the hypotheses. Pearson correlations and multiple regression analyses were used to examine the data. A significant and positive relationship with overall service quality and customer engagement in co- creation of value was determined. The results of this study will allow business leaders to develop improved strategies when attempting to engage customers in co-creation of value. This is the first study to examine service quality as a customer engagement factor in co-creation of value. As such, the research adds to the existing knowledge base.
Keywords: Co-creation of Value, Service Quality, Health Care Industry
An Impact of Public Policy on the Financial Performance of Public Institutions
Fuad Cergic
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2019.07.04.003
Each country pays great attention to the public sector both in terms of the budget and its impact on social life, macroeconomic stability, employment and in general on the national economy. An analysis of the impact of public policies is very important for decision – makers to understand what kind of wanted and / or unwanted effects these policies bring, and it is particularly important to understand what effects will be on the performance of public institutions. Public policies are basis of each community whether it is a unit of local self-government or the entire state. Without well-established public policies, we cannot expect the effective functioning of any community. The general aim of the research is to determine an impact of different types of public policy on the financial performance of public institutions.
Keywords: Public Policy, Public Sector, Financial Performance
Can Natural Gas Play an Important Role in the Energy Transition in Asia in the Future?
Minh Thong Le, Thanh Thuy Nguyen, Van Hiep Tran, Thi Kim Ngan Nguyen, and Huu Tung Do
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2019.07.04.004
Asia has been the region with the world’s fastest growing economies in decades, and it continues to lead global growth in the future. The rapid economic growth has led to a huge demand for energy. However, this problem faces enormous environmental problems, climate change and global warming, in particular. Therefore, the transition energy from traditional energy to clean energy sources, renewable energy is imperative and to be inevitable trend in the future. With cleaner properties than oil and coal, natural gas can be seen as an important bridge in the transition energy process towards a low-carbon economy in Asia. Despite the fact that there are a lot of controversies and uncertainties about the development of natural gas in Asia, there are many reasons for us to believe that natural gas will play an important role in the energy mix in Asia in the future, such as the development of unconventional gas, the development of natural gas and LNG markets, environmental and climate policies, or the decline in energy prices. This paper will show the favorable condition to explain why natural gas can play an important role in the energy transition in Asia.
Keywords: Natural Gas, Energy Transition, Energy, Environment
The Impact of Mobbing on Labor Productivity in terms of Business Administration and Law: An Application in Academic World
Seden Durustkan, Sibel Aybar, and Seyda Sanli
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2019.07.04.005
This study researches mobbing in labor relations. Even though mobbing could have encountered in all sectors, the education sector needs to be considered separately as it relates to the welfare level of society. It should be aimed at universities and academicians, who are one of the determinants of the development levels of their countries, study without any pressure on the quality of education. The analysis is based on a unique survey conducted with 418 academicians in every position in Istanbul universities in November 2016 to March 2017. The findings of the research revealed that productivity was strongly correlated with mobbing. Besides that, it was connected with academic freedom, self-confidence, the freedom to decide and practice and freedom of expression. For the above reason, our study aims to determine how the academicians of foundation universities in Istanbul-Turkey are affected by mobbing they exposed to in their organizations and also to understand the perspective of the Turkish judiciary on the academic mobbing events by analyzing Supreme Court decisions.
Keywords: Mobbing, Administration Management, Law, Academician, Productivity
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