Vol.4 No.1
March 2016
Page Number
Article Information
Service Packages – Attractiveness Has Many Faces
Ilona Bondos and Marcin Lipowsk
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2016.04.01.001
This article is an attempt to identify the impact of the customer age (especially the Baby boomers generation and the X and the Y generation) on the assessment of incentives to buy service package. Belonging to different age generations seems to be important for the effectiveness of service packages sales – the entrance by the consumers in subsequent phases of the life cycle is related to their perception of the market offer. The starting point for the empirical part of the article was to analyze the different average scores attractiveness of the ten packages service features (incentives to purchase). Then, using multidimensional scaling authors determined the similarity or dissimilarity data on a set of applied incentives to use service packages. Visible differences indicate a different perception of the attractiveness of packages representatives of the Baby boomer generation and Y generation. Managerial implications and directions for future research are discussed.
Keywords: Bundling, Service, Price Bundling, Attractiveness, Incentives
What Triggers Loan Repayment Failure of Consumer Loans – Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sanela Pasic and Adisa Omerbegovic Arapovic
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2016.04.01.002
This research explores most dominant lending product to population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a consumer loan, with aim to answer the question of what factors trigger loan repayment failure. It explores relation of borrower characteristics such as gender, age, level of indebtness to likeliness of loan repayment by use of probit on banking data sample representing 39% of the market share in the country. It identifies factors which lead to loan repayment failure and also provides exact empirical model for default prediction at loan approval stage. Main audience of this research should be banks, which could use the finding of the study to adjust their credit policies and risk appetite to ensure that lending losses from this strongly present product are minimized, thus leading to stable and financially sound banking sector.
Keywords: Consumer Loans, Default Prediction, Probit Regression, Credit Risk
Marketing Program Standardization: The Experience of TNCs in Poland
Mariusz Sagan
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2016.04.01.003
The purpose of this study is to determine the rate of standardization of marketing programs in transnational corporations in the consumer goods market in Poland, which currently is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. An important research objective was to observe how Polish consumers adopt the marketing patterns and related lifestyles from countries of Western Europe and the USA. The empirical tests and data, collected in a sample survey of 35 transnational corporations and their 140 products, and using varied methods of statistical inference, allowed to formulate the following conclusions. The analyzed TNC’s adopted a clear standardization strategy in the Polish market. Among the analyzed products, 2/3 of them have been entirely transferred from foreign markets into the Polish market. A detailed analysis has indicated that the standardization rate of product and its items in the FMCG market in Poland is high and very high, and significantly higher than the pricing and advertising strategy standardization rates. The product standardization rate in the Polish market has been slightly higher than the rate in the developed countries, yet the pricing standardization has been significantly lower. The standardization of advertising strategies showed similar features.
Keywords: Marketing Program Standardization, Transnational Corporations, Business Environment, Poland
The Importance of Authorized Economic Operator Institution for the Security of Supply Chain in the International Goods Turnover of Polish Enterprises
Miroslawa Laszuk and Urszula Ryciuk
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2016.04.01.004
Together with the growth of international exchange of goods also the number of threats increases that potentially may influence the security of functioning international supply chains. Currently, there is a need of developing solutions which aim at facilitating flow of goods, simultaneously ensuring security against the increasing number of threats related to e.g. terrorist attacks, illegal smuggling, thefts and tax frauds. The article presents institution of an authorized operator – Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), introduced on the territory of the European Union in 2008. The discourse demonstrates influence of functioning AEO certificates on security of international supply chains with the particular attention drawn on the importance of AEO institution for Polish operators.
Keywords: Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), Supply Chain, Security, Entrepreneur
Waste Management in Urban India and Role of Social Enterprises
Yukiko Hashimoto
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2016.04.01.005
Present article focuses on social impact evaluation of waste management models such as social enterprises and municipal-oriented PP Partnership with participation of waste pickers’cooperative and community in Pune, India. Data has been collected through interviewing waste pickers and social enterprise management personnel and focus group discussions. Ourevaluation focuses on social aspects and system’s contribution to better quality of life. It alsoevaluates the working conditions of waste pickers. Our study further analyzes wastemanagement’s aspects in relation to broader social and environmental issues such as urban public health. Research findings show that social enterprise practices are effective in increasing the income of waste pickers and efficient in collecting and segregating waste. It shows that the social enterprise model is working efficiently and encourages competition for better service quality. This article begins by explaining the social enterprises model and Public Private Partnership (PPP) model and their techniques in handling waste management issues in India. It evaluates their social impact, profitability, and innovativeness. The social enterprise model has been analyzed in terms of its concepts, opportunities, potentiality, organization, shared value creation and recent developments. Finally we explored further on the model and systems to find out the best possible model to solve environmental issues and bring better quality life for the community.
Keywords: Waste Management, Social Enterprise, Public and Private Partnership, Empowerment
Transparency for Crisis Communication in the Digital Age – Cases from Food Safety Disasters
Fanny Sau-Lan Cheung and Wing-Fai Leung
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2016.04.01.006
Many practitioners already noticed that fast reaction is more critical in the digital age. However, there is relatively rare discussion on the role of transparency. This paper is based on Murphy et al.‟s (2007) model of marketing relationship to argue that transparency is very critical for crisiscommunication in the digital era. An organization has to put transparency as the central element of crisis communication. Five cases are discussed briefly on the role of transparency apart from other elements. An organization nearly cannot enclose any unfavorable information about an event. When unfavorable information is exploded by another source rather than the organization, the reputation is even more damaged. The best method is disclosing all information. In order to make transparency favorable to the organization, the organization must prevent wrong doings and faults in the very first beginning. The virtue ethics, notably integrity, respect, fair and empathy, are important elements for enhancing the possibility of positive effects from transparency.
Keywords: Crisis Communications, Transparency, Food Safety, Marketing Relationship
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(Esra Barakli)
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