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Influence of Psychological Antecedents of Consumer Decision-Making Styles on Millennial Consumer’s Innovativeness in Botswana
Douglas Chiguvi and Tinashe Musasa
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2021.09.01.001
The aim of this study was to measure the influence of psychological antecedents of consumer decision-making styles of millennial consumer’s innovativeness in Botswana. The study adopted a quantitative survey in gathering data from millennial consumers. Structured questionnaires with Likert scales were utilized in data collection. The targeted population comprised of 400 generation Y consumers in which 320 were successfully selected and tested through convenience sampling. The study results indicated that millennial consumers in Botswana are under no time pressure to complete their shopping activities and highly materialistic in their shopping choices. They are independent shoppers impervious to interpersonal influence and confident of their shopping decision-making. The results also revealed that millennial consumers in Botswana identify themselves as independent decision makers that do not rely on external influence. Finally, the study results pointed out that the greater majority of Batswana millennials are cognitive innovators than sensory innovators. The researchers recommended that retailers must be encouraged to add excitement in shopping amenities to attract and retain millennial sensory innovators. Tangible evidence on future research is also required on the actual effects of modern smart shopping on generational transformation from Gen X, Y to Z.
Keywords: Psychological Antecedents, Consumer Decision-Making Styles, Millennial Consumer’s Innovativeness, Botswana
Management of Croatian Public Higher Education Institutions Based on Performance Measurement
Verica Budimir, Ivana Drazic Lutilsky, and Davor Vasicek
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2021.09.01.002
To responsibly manage higher education institutions’ business, public managers need to dispose of budget funds rationally. Responsible management needs to have quality and timely information based on measuring and monitoring performance. This paper has two main aims. The first aim is to analyze the importance of measuring higher education performance in general and provide an overview of higher education performance indicators in selected countries. Through literature review, we analyzed performance measurement in higher education of Australia, Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, Finland, Romania, and Poland. Through a review of the literature, it is concluded that performance measurement exists in higher education and is used for management purposes in the observed countries. The second aim is to investigate whether the management of the public higher education institutions in Croatia is based on performance measurement results. To meet this goal, an empirical study was conducted. Research conducted in the Croatian public higher education has also shown a certain level of awareness of the need to measure performance and use measurement results in management processes.
Keywords: Croatian Public Higher Education, Management, Performance Measurement, Planning, Reporting
Towards Ensuring the Sustainability of South African Small and Medium Enterprises in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era
Michael Adelowotan
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2021.09.01.003
The reality of the presence of disruptive technologies of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) era has dawned on everyone. However, the narratives have centered on how these technologies will aid the production and delivery of goods and services in a more efficient and transparent manner based on increased data accumulation and analysis. The focus of these technologies has been on how large manufacturing and service organizations can automate the development of processes, products and services. The question is “how will the small and medium enterprises survive in the 4IR era?” This paper will attempt to answer this question by considering and examining how the South African small and medium enterprises can seize the opportunities provided by the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution era for their development and sustainability thereby contributing to the socio-economic development and growth of the South African nation. The findings show that in spite of the concerns with respect to perceived threats of loss of jobs, increase in inequality, unemployment and poverty in view of the emerging technologies of the 4IR, the development of a well-articulated policy directions and strategy on the fourth industrial revolution by government coupled with a positive response by the business community will afford the entrepreneurs the opportunity to participate in the newly created supply chains and markets. Furthermore, the new technologies of the 4IR will result in the expansion of labor demand through increased productivity thereby creating new jobs that will far outweigh the old jobs lost through digitalization.
Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Disruptive Technologies, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Sustainability, Socio-Economic Development, South Africa
The Role of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) on Financial Inclusion in Zimbabwe
Michael Takudzwa Pasara, Albert Makochekanwa, and Steven Henry Dunga
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2021.09.01.004
This paper investigated the role of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) in Zimbabwe using a national baseline survey. Several economic challenges over the past two decades left ordinary citizens unbanked and financially excluded. SACCOs are viewed as a viable option towards financial inclusion. Classical and modern theoretical literature as well as experiences from other African countries were discussed. Data was collected using a triangulation method of questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) across 147 SACCOs. It was observed that there are around 6,028 cooperatives with only 4.8% (289) being SACCOs and majority of members cannot distinguish between cooperatives and SACCOs. More than 90% cited that economic and political conditions eroded their savings value thereby reducing confidence in thrift models. 77 SACCOs (52.8%) do not own assets, and only 6.2% have over 1,000 members. Discrepancies emanate from inconsistent subscriptions, unfavorable and outdated government by-laws. SACCOs are classified as high-risk borrowers due to inconsistent subscriptions and poorly audited financial statements resulting in high interest rates and adverse selection. The study recommends additional training to increase administrative capacity and the scope of SACCOs, increased coordination of operations to reduce systematic risk through consistent by-laws and economic policies that stimulate stability and restore confidence in the financial sector.
Keywords: Savings and Credit Cooperatives, Financial Inclusion, Economic Sectors, Baseline Study, Zimbabwe, Microfinance
Teachers’ Perceptions of Parental Involvement among Selected Secondary Schools in the Pinetown District, Durban
Thandi Priscillia Nkosi and Rufus Olufemi Adebayo
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2021.09.01.005
Empirical studies have shown a positive correlation between learners’ academic success and parental involvement. This notion is widely acknowledged by teachers and society at large as a remedy in addressing some of the most predominant educational challenges. A formidable alliance between schools and parents as a strategy to promote learners’ educational success has been the highlight of different departmental policies. This advocacy equally possesses a long-standing basis in research. The purpose of this article is to investigate teachers’ perceptions of parental involvement in selected underperforming secondary schools within the Pinetown District, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. Arguably, parental involvement is seen as a crucial success factor in students’ academic achievement, while the level of communication between the parents and schools can be perceived as influential in their communicative meetings. The challenge that emerges from a lack of parental involvement can be attributed to ineffectual or non-communication amongst parents and schools. Invariably, when a learner underperforms in school, parents and teachers blame each other for learners’ poor performance. The study stresses the need for active involvement of parents in their children’s education so necessary and timely interventions may be applied if need be. The findings also suggest that parents from underprivileged schools show less concern for learners’ educational endeavors, while some are concerned and make concerted efforts to be involved in their children’s academic activities, but their social and educational background limits their level of involvement. However, at the secondary school level, research evidence is less supportive. Lastly, teachers also assert that mutually beneficial collaboration between parents and teachers is of great importance in children’s learning and success in school.
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Parental Involvement, Teachers, Absenteeism
Students’ Entrepreneurial Mindset in the Era of Global Health Pandemic: Perspective from the University of Lagos, Nigeria
Samson Adeoluwa Adewumi
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2021.09.01.006
Remarking on the justification for entrepreneurship as a critical component for economic and employment creation, emphasis on building a robust student’s entrepreneurship mind-set has received less attention, especially in this era of global health pandemic (Covid-19). This knowledge chasm stimulates the need to understand students’ entrepreneurship mind-set in this era of paid employment loss. A total of 24 final year students were selected on purpose and snowball across two faculties with the Mind-set theoretical analysis reviewed as the theoretical leaning. The results reveal the development of students’ entrepreneurship mind-set to include attitude development, preparedness, being business savvy and a stimulating business environment. Others include effective mobilization of human and material resources and appropriate students’ cognitive cognizance. The persistent economic downturn was argued as the link between the global health pandemic and the dwindling rate of graduate jobs, whereas appropriate entrepreneurship education, content and curriculum was advanced as important indicators for a sustaining students’ entrepreneurial mind-set. The study recommends the university administrators in their effort to implement entrepreneurship education across the strata of the university as a pathway to economic sustenance and development. This effort, however, must be channeled to ensure students are greatly motivated towards entrepreneurship venture.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Mind-set, Economic, Global Health, Employment, Education
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