Vol.5 No.1
March 2017
Page Number
Article Information
Expanding Frontiers of Customer Knowledge Management to Sustain Competitive Advantage: The Mediating Role of Predictive Analytics
Diana Chernetska
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2017.05.01.001
Business reality, as well as IT literature, is indicating the shift towards data-driven societies. However, business research is lacking the conceptualizations and explanations in this regard. The common denominator of these perspectives is the key role of customer integration. This can be ensured by efficient managing of customer knowledge. At the same time, online activity of companies provides a possibility to generate customer behavioral data, which potential can be unveiled using specific techniques and tools, such as predictive analytics. Given the peculiarity of such knowledge assets, generated via analytics, it has to be specifically addressed within customer knowledge management. Using resource-based view as a theoretical lens, this study first deduces research propositions which then analyses against the empirical findings from case studies. Findings indicated specific nature of analytics-generated customer knowledge that challenges the frontiers of customer knowledge management towards integration with data management and information management.
Keywords: Customer Knowledge, Predictive Analytics, Customer Knowledge Management, Data, Resource, Case Study
Some Aspects of Post-Quantum Cryptosystems
Avtandil Gagnidze, Maksim Iavich and Giorgi Iashvili
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2017.05.01.002
The article describes alternatives to RSA system, resistant to quantum attacks. There are described Hash-based Digital Signature Schemes and McEliece system, based on the theory of algebraic coding. We analyzed their advantages and disadvantages, and considered some of the attacks on these systems. It is shown that today we are not prepared to transfer cryptosystems to post-quantum era.
Keywords:Cryptography, Post-Quantum, Cryptosystems, RSA, DSA, McEliece, Merkle, Signature, Scheme, Hash-Based, Digital, Attacks, Error, Decrypt, Encrypt
The Impact of Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) and ISO 14001 Standards on Corporate Performance: A Systematic Literature Review
Dajana Grandic
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2017.05.01.003
This paper is based on the systematic literature review method and investigates the impacts of the EMS and ISO 14001 Standards towards corporate performance. Two units are considered through the methodology of research; firm size and market orientation. The evidence comes from the analysed dataset of 19 papers. Aggregated search results show that global firms orientated towards export have a higher probability to achieve product and process innovation than companies who focus primarily on regional and local markets due to higher competition in the global market. Moreover, firms who adopted EMS and ISO 14001 standard have a greater impact on performance, a positive influence on innovation and commitment to the environment related to company targets than those firms who did not apply it. The results of this research could be interesting for both investors and academics to know how the voluntary adoption of these two standards affects corporate performance.
Keywords: Firm’s Performance, Environmental Regulations, ISO 4001, EMS, Voluntary Policies, Economic Performance
Trust and Emotions Energize Organizational Performance
Ana Martins and Isabel Martins
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2017.05.01.004
The aim of this paper is to shed more light on the significant effect that leadership self-efficacy and shared leadership have on organizational performance. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the research on shared leadership that is still in its early stages. Trust, as a component of social capital, is considered the essential criteria for an emotionally aware leader. Trust enables individuals to channel their energy on those aspects of work for which they have real passion. Emotions, whether positive or negative, stimulate and steer organizational performance and behavior. Humor can reduce absenteeism; improve levels of effort, health and energy, all of which influence the levels of performance. The case study methodology focused on a profit-oriented Information Technology SME. A questionnaire was distributed to ascertain how leadership self-efficacy might influence shared leadership and affect organizational performance. The study entails the presupposition that those managers who have regard for the self-efficacy leadership attributes cluster will have a higher probability of improving both perceived and actual employee performance. The results of this study seem to demonstrate that emphasis is placed on the problem-solving attributes of leadership self-efficacy. This will result in a positive impact on the organizational performance as a whole. This paper is of added value for scholars and organizations in the knowledge economy.
Keywords: Emotional Capital, Humor, Leadership Self-Efficacy, Performance, Social Capital, Shared Leadership
The Relationship between the Personality of Urbanites and City Brand Personality- An Application in Turkey
Nilsun Sariyer
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2017.05.01.005
Brand personality claims that brands convey human characteristics. In this study, attempts have been made to determine the brand personality dimensions of cities based on the assumption that cities also have brand personality. Additionally, it has been studied whether or not urbanites reflect their own personality traits to brand personality characteristics of the city. In this descriptive study, data has been collected through face-to-face interviews. The sampling where stratified sampling is used – one method of random sampling – has been performed in Kayseri in Turkey. A total of 382 consumers have been reached. Factor and regression analyses have been used for data analysis. In conclusion, the city of Kayseri has five city brand dimensions: exhilarating, mature, androgen, traditional and sincere. In addition, it has also revealed that there is a relationship between the personalities of those who live in Kayseri and their city brand personalities. Those who live in metropolitan Kayseri and like taking risks – a criterion of extrovert personality – find Kayseri exhilarated and competent. In the light of this conclusion, it can be said that urbanites’ personalities should also be considered when forming city brand personality.
Keywords: Brand Personality, City Brand, Destination, Personality
Liquidity Adjusted Value at Risk: Integrating the Uncertainty in Depth and Tightness
Levent C. Uslu and Burak Evren
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2016.05.01.006
Efficient market risk management should also focus on the market liquidity risk, which is generally ignored by the conventional Value at Risk Metrics. We propose two alternative parametric methods to existing studies for the estimation of Liquidity Adjusted Value at Risk (LVaR). The first model is based on the volatility dynamics of VNET (Engle and Lange, 2001) whereas the second model also incorporates the first two moments of the tightness dimension to the latter, as measured by relative weighted bid-ask spreads. Considering a portfolio with different underlying volatility assumptions (EWMA, GARCH-CCC, GARCH-DCC), validation results indicate that both parametric LVaR approaches are strong alternatives to tightness based LVaR models and strictly superior to conventional VaR models, with respect to performance related to regulatory compliance, statistical coverage and overall relative cost of liquidity vs. loss size on violation days.
Keywords: Liquidity Adjusted Value at Risk, Cost of Liquidity, VNET, Depth Uncertainty
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