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Different Views about Job Opportunities among Business and Economics Students Depending on Personality Traits
Leiv Opstad
DOI: 10.15604/ejss.2021.09.01.001
Many students attend business and economics studies in Norway. Several skilled students with engineering background choose specialization in economics and business administration. This education provides many opportunities. The aim of this paper is to learn more about what these students emphasize in choice of jobs and career opportunities. This article provides support for the assumption that gender and personality traits (the Big Five) are linked to salary and career opportunities for business and economics students. Personal characteristics matter in students’ consideration of career possibilities, future wages, entrepreneurship, and contributions to society. Financial rewards are positively connected to the personality trait conscientiousness and negatively to agreeableness. Individuals with high score in the agreeableness want to help others. The trait openness is a good predictor for starting own business. There is still a gender gap. Women are not as concerned with high wages as men. Instead, the female students want to contribute more to society. The suggestions appear from a quasi-experiment involving 119 undergraduates from a university in Norway by asking them about their preferences and attitudes. The selected methods are factor analysis and linear regression modeling. The findings provide useful knowledge and information in the design and development of various study topics.
Keywords: Business Students, Economics Students, Career, Personality Traits, Academic Skills, Big Five, Quantitative Analysis
Challenges Facing Small to Medium Enterprises in Metsimaholo Municipality, South Africa
Jeremiah Madzimure and Lebereko Phillip Tau
DOI: 10.15604/ejss.2021.09.01.002
In South Africa, the failure rate of Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) amounts to 75% in an estimated interval of 42 months of operation. The purpose of this study is to determine the challenges facing SMEs in Metsimaholo municipality, Free State province of South Africa. Quantitative data was acquired from 102 Metsimaholo SME owners or their representatives, utilizing questionnaires which were completed, returned, and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26.0 software. It was then established that economic factors have realistic control on the sustainability of SMEs. In addition, further development of SMEs is restrained by competition from immigrant businesses, transportation of inventory, inadequate management skills, substandard marketing, miserable manipulation of financial activities and business, unreachable loans. Notwithstanding the afore-said outcome, SMEs must carefully look at obtaining business skills coaching and support, enlarge or vary the range of products, put back any profits made by a business into it in order to make it more successful. Cooperation amongst SMEs would be a strategy for them to challenge rivalry. Therefore, SMEs will bargain from transportation of goods bought in large quantities for a unit price that is lower than usual.
Keywords: Challenges, Failure Rate, SMEs, Municipality, South Africa
Risks and Exploits Exposed by GDPR
Liviu Adrian Stoica and Robert Adrian Candoi Savu
DOI: 10.15604/ejss.2021.09.01.003
This paper analyzes the flaws in the GDPR rules and regulations and tries to determinate the possibilities of exploiters to use the regulations in their favor to be able to commit wrongful deeds from the different correlations between companies and customers, companies and companies. It checks the ways of how the rules are exposed to flaws and how they can be used in a malicious way while effects are analyzed as impact on the business, on the free services offered and from the reduced ability to track cyber-crime. The study is focused on the improper aspects that can come from the GDPR like restricted technology access, poor customer services, huge business costs of adapting, restrictions on privacy and innovation and cybercrimes. The study is made about the exploits exposed to companies, to customers, inside or outside the territory of Europe. It analyses the relation between customer both to company inside or outside European territory including the aspects for the collaboration between companies no matter where they are located. The study is about exposing the negative aspects of implementing the GDPR rules and regulations with all that derive from this for informing the citizens on what they need to take into consideration while trusting different service providers thinking they are protected by the law.
Keywords: Risk, Exploit, GDPR, Vulnerability, Impact
Factors Influencing Online Purchase Intention: A Case of University Students in Pakistan
Ekhlaque Ahmed, Nayyer Samad, and Afshan Gul Khan
DOI: 10.15604/ejss.2021.09.01.004
The paper aims to study the factors that influence online purchase intention among university students in Pakistan. A cross-sectional study was conducted between March 2020 and April 2020 to collect quantitative data on the role of six factors on online purchase intention and their degree of influence among a sample of 513 university students in Karachi with or without online shopping experience. Findings suggest that perceived benefits, shopping orientations and customer satisfaction have a significant and positive impact on purchase intention while perceived risk has a significant but negative impact. Subjective norms and e-WOM do not affect purchase intention. Results suggest that customer satisfaction is the most prominent positive influencer of online purchase intention and perceived risk is the most dominant restraining factor. The results provide a detailed insight on factors influencing online purchase intention. This is the first set of empirical data on online purchase intention among university students in Pakistan and can be used by practitioners in design and implementation of online marketing strategies in similar environments.
Keywords: Purchase Intention, Online Shopping, University Students, Customer Satisfaction, Perceived Risk
A Review on Actor-Network Theory as a Potential Tool for Architectural Studies
Busra Dilaveroglu, Cigdem Polatoglu, and Aysen Ciravoglu
DOI: 10.15604/ejss.2021.09.01.005
Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is an ontological approach, emerging from science and technology studies. As an ontological frame, ANT proposes that the work of science does not differ from other social processes, and sociality should not be understood as a priori knowledge. Instead, ANT offers a lens to see science as an assemblage of social, technical, conceptional, and textual processes entangled with human and non-human entities by looking at their material nature. ANT proposes to follow traces of material relations and how that material nature constitutes social. There has been a considerable increase in the threshold of ANT and Architecture studies. ANT seems to offer new perspectives to understand architecture by looking at architecture from its own material reality. Thus, this study aims to reveal the whole picture of the studies in the threshold of ANT and architecture by analyzing ANT concepts implemented in architecture. By relating ANT concepts to the architectural field, this systematic review aims to understand ANT and its implications of architectural studies. Visualizing the relations of ANT and architecture related categories, the review is supposed to reveal gaps and the most studied fields of ANT in architecture.
Keywords: Actor-Network Theory, Architecture, Material Reality, New Materiality, Architectural Materiality
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